Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pushing through - no pain no gain

Another one of the diet cliches that happens to be true is that there's value in pushing through, in dieting when it's hard. Whether that means resisting getting in on the Crawfish Etouffee order at work (true story), or exercising when you're tired and just don't feel like it. Well tonight was one of those nights for me.

I worked late, I'm tired from getting way too little sleep (Civilization 5 is insanely addictive, been up until 2:30 AM, and 1:00 AM the past 2 nights), and working long hours to minimize the vacation time I have to use, starting tomorrow. Needless to say, I didn't feel like working out before eating dinner once I finally got home and sat down at 8:30. But I did. I put on the TV, and I watched a few things off the DVR. And I rowed. I rowed for an hour. Maybe not at a backbreaking pace the whole way, but steady rowing for an hour. I've got the sore back as I type now to prove it. I also have these:

It's a bit of a weird picture, the lighting is too bright and makes it look horrific, but I have some decent calluses from rowing, even though I wore gloves. No pain, no gain!

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